Barney Bear's Home!
Barney Bear's home! It looks like Barney Bear had a good weekend with Freddie, they had a picnic in the park and went swimming!

Barney Bear's Adventures
Here at Binsteed we have a special bear named Barney, he gets to go home with children who go above and beyond when it comes to...

Flip Out!
Boss Holiday club had a fantastic day at Flip Out today, big thanks to them for making it fun and special for our kids!

Supporting Charities
Thank you to everyone who supported us with our raffle for Stand Up To Cancer! We raised a fantastic £160!

New Notice Board
Please take two minutes when entering our reception area to look at our new notice board. This will be updated with upcoming events and...

Stand Up To Cancer!
We will be holding a raffle here at Binsteed to raise money for cancer research, tickets will be on sale soon so next time you pop in be...

New Email Address!
We have a new email address here at Binsteed, it has been updated on the 'Contact' page on the website. Please discard our old email...

World Book Day!
Binsteed would like to invite our children to take part in World Book Day! On the 1st March 2018 please could your child come to nursery...
Winner Announced!
The winner of the Hamper and Sunday lunch was our receptionist Claire, Second place was Glen one of the grandparents, third prize was...
To help towards our collection to buy our new chickens for the nursery we will be selling raffle tickets to WIN A HAMPER OF GOODIES AND...