February Half Term Planner
Please share around and let everyone know 😃 if you have any questions please feel free to message us, thank you!
ALERT: We are a nut free zone here at Binsteed due to a child having a severe nut allergy, so please take this into consideration. Thank...
Welcome Back!
All funded children return to Binsteed on Monday the 7th of January! If you have had a new mobile for Christmas and your number has...
Christmas Times
This year we are closing at 6 p.m. for the Christmas and New Year. We will be reopening the 2nd of January for non funded children and...
End of Term!
End of term is Friday 21st of December and we reopen Wednesday 2nd of January for non-funded children, funded children due back Monday...
Raspberry Room (0-18 months): Very limited spaces, book now to avoid disappointment. Rainbow Room (2 year olds): Extremely low...
Important Info
Breakfast Club opens at 7 a.m and your children are escorted to their school. After school club we collect your children from their...

Craneswater is Expanding!
We have some exciting news! The Craneswater Breakfast & After School Club is expanding, if your child attends this school and you require...
Provisional Bookings
If you require childcare for Childcare Eve, provisional bookings must be made by the end of November. Sue will make a decision by the 1st...
Children's Nativity
Children’s Christmas nativity and party on Thursday the 20th at 9:30 am. Please get here early to ensure you get a seat as it is a...