Anne-Marie Culbertson
I attended the play scheme as a child with both of my siblings. I have worked at Binsteed for many years , leaving only to have my two sons, the youngest of whom has attended the nursery and has just transitioned to preschool. I am the under 3's coordinator, have the responsibility of keeping the occupancy of the room up to date and working out the staffing to maintain ratios. Any enquires for the under 3's go through me if I am available and typically I give tours of our site to new parents and take their bookings. I am the first person at Binsteed to achieve my Level 5 in... of which I am very proud of.
Level 3 Childcare, Level 5 Childcare

Magda Kabaja
I originally started at Binsteed whilst completing my two year placement from college here but since Summer I have been employed full time. Although I predominantly work in Rainbow Room, I also assist in Raspberry room when I can. I am also in charge of under 3's between 07:00-09:00 in the morning. I come from Poland and have found that this does not set me back in my work place, but only allows me to support children/parents and other staff members in ways they may usually not receive. For example, it has allowed me to help Polish children feel more settled in here and parents find it helpful that they can talk to me in their home language. I am also able to open up communication between other staff members and children, as I am able to eliminate the language barrier.
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Sam Dew
I have been working with children for 8 years. I am currently room leader of the Rainbow Room working with children ranging from 18 months to 3 years old. I have a great passion for helping children thrive, learn and develop through play. It is through play that children develop social and cognitive skills, mature emotionally and gain the self confidence required to engage in new experiences and environments,
BA honours in Early Childhood Studies, Level 2 in Leadership and Management

Hannah Arnell
I attended Binsteed as a child, living across the road. My mum, Helen, worked at Binsteed as well. My daughter used to attend the nursery here, thoroughly enjoying her time. I work in Rainbow Room with children 18 months to 3 years. In the mornings I work in Raspberry Room in the breakfast club for the under 3's. When Sam, the room leader, is off I take the lead role within the room. I find working with this age range very rewarding as the children are very curious about activities that I have planned for them. I find planning and organising activities for the children is one my strongest skills.
Level 3 Childcare

Ellen Reid
I work in Rainbow Room with children aged 18 months to 3 years. I enjoy my role helping the children develop their key skills through learning through play. I completed my Level 2 apprenticeship and have just began my Level 3.
Level 2, Level 3 Apprenticeship
rainbow room STAFF